FCCLA Prepares Students

FCCLA is a national student organization that stands for Family Community Career Leaders of America. They offer intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families such as education, interior design, and architecture. It does not take much to join FCCLA. Anyone who has already taken any type of FCS class is eligible to join FCCLA whenever they feel like it. The FCCLA organization has meetings every other Wednesday during Coog Time. Days may vary from year to year, but usually, meetings take place every other week. The organization has done various deeds such as collecting canned goods for homeless shelters and much more

 Mrs. Aujon, the FCCLA organizer for Canyon High School, said, “I would want more awareness of who we are and what we do, especially since we have such an interesting name and acronym.” 

FCCLA is surprisingly barely recognizable as an organization here at Canyon High School, so the word needs to be put out about this great organization.

 If you ever get the chance to join FCCLA, it would be a wonderful opportunity to help grow your skills as a career leader of America. If you are interested in going into one of the career paths mentioned above, you should definitely talk to Mrs. Aujon about joining FCCLA.