They are real!

Aliens are a fascination amongst many people across the world. They are a mystery to many and many believe that they’ve got the answer to them. Many videos have surfaced online about these mysterious creatures. I for one do think that these creatures are real but to an extent. Some of these online videos are hard to believe. Many don’t make any sense at all. I have a very good feeling that the CIA is withholding information or has been hiding something. Recently released documents that prove that there is an alien research branch of the government. Which may also prove that aliens are real on some level.
One place of recognition is in Roswell New Mexico—the place where the alien craze started. On July 8, 1947, there was a mysterious object found in New Mexico. It was found out by the public, and many people were in a frenzy. Now it was later found that it was nothing more than just a small plane crash but this sparked fascination among the people about the aliens.
Recently there have been videos showing mysterious shooting stars in England and UFO sightings in California. This has reignited the fascination with UFOs and aliens as a whole. Now there have been no new reports on this topic which is only suspicious in my opinion. This has made me believe that the government is hiding or suppressing things from the public.
Hello, my name is Louis Solis and I am a junior writer for the school newspaper. I will be working on stories all across Canyon High School. I am looking...